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Внесен в черный список и все еще хотите заниматься бизнесом? Получить кредит сейчас

Цена:30 000 тенге.
Адрес:Пивногорье, Казахстан

Are you blacklisted but still dream of starting a business? Do you have a business plan, but the main problem is that you don't qualify for a loan? Due to the latest pandemic. There is a greater need for someone to be self-employed rather than in a job where you could be fired at any moment. Do you want to get into farming but the only thing holding you back is finances? A genuine lending company has decided to provide loans to the public at an affordable interest rate. We have helped thousands of clients get a loan, and they are currently paying us back. No matter your situation, we will give you a loan today. Hurry up, offer is limited. Feel free to share this announcement with your contact list so your family and friends can get a loan today and become financially independent.  To apply, write to us directly at our email and whatsapp, as shown in the photo of our ad.