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Хотите получить кредит для развития бизнеса, но у вас плохая кредитная история? Применить сейчас

Тип объявления: прочееОпубликовано: 14.11.2023
Цена:30 000 тенге.
Телефоны: Написать сообщение
Адрес:Жезказган, Казахстан
You have a business idea or an existing business, but you need a loan to finance the growth of your business and increase your earnings. Has your loan application been rejected due to a bad credit history or are you in debt?
If this is you, then we guarantee you a loan from 5 thousand dollars to a maximum of 200 thousand dollars in tenge. Approval and loan transfer are done on the same day, the only document required is your ID and must not have a criminal record.
To apply, reply to this ad or send an email to the email address shown in the photo of our ad.